Southern Alberta Jewish Veterans of World War I & II

Dedicated to Val Rimer z"l and the Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Post No. 2, and created with the support of the Ghert Family Foundation

Toby Mollie Carnat, Paris. 1945

Toby Mollie Carnat

Last Name
First Name
Toby Mollie
Arrival in Southern Alberta
pre WWII; born
Date of Death
Place of Birth
Calgary, Alberta
Place of Death
Calgary, Alberta
Parent's Name
Harry and Sarah (Margolis)
Spouse's Name
Harry Rose
Place of Enlistment
Eastern United States
Place of Residence at time of Enlistment
Calgary, Alberta
Occupation at time of Enlistment
war bonds sales (Montreal)
Country of Service
United States
Branch of Service (Army, RCAF, RCN etc.)
Military Service - Countries
England; France
Place of Burial
Erlton Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta
Information Source
B'nai Brith Honor Roll 1946, p. 20 Memories on the March; family source
Other information
Married (by Commanding Officer) while in service. English name on gravestone is "Mollie".